Grant Recipients

“I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.” Matthew 25:35
Palm Beach Moravian ChurchWest Palm Beach, FL$18,200Feeding local homeless community by providing snacks or a cooked meal with clothing and toiletries each Friday, and on special holidays.2024
Rolling Hills Moravian ChurchLongwood, FL$27,800Reaching, feeding, and clothing homeless individuals in local Florida community through a soup kitchen, snack & water packages, and a food pantry.2024
Eastmorland Community CenterMadison, W$25,000Providing weekend food bags, healthy classroom snacks, and a mobile food pantry to low-income students and households.2024
Christ Moravian ChurchWinston-Salem, NC$3,000Replenishing and restocking their Blessing Box.2024
Hopewell Moravian ChurchWinston-Salem, NC$1,400Addressing student food insecurity and teacher wellbeing at Parkland Highschool through Student of the Month breakfasts, teacher appreciation week, and Walmart gift cards for students in emergency situations.2024
Lake Auburn Moravian ChurchLake Auburn, MN$3,200Producing healthy soup-starter meals for local low-income families. 2024
Armando Rusindo Mission FoundationClemmons, NC$38,000Sending food, water, medical supplies, farming tools, clothing, and water purification systems to Cuba in container shipments.2024
Home Moravian ChurchWinston-Salem, NC$15,200Moravian Church in Albania’s Bathore Project to feed hungry people2023
Hope Moravian ChurchHope, IN$5,000Meal site ministry2023
Chaska Moravian ChurchChaska, MN$13,000Kitchen improvements for monthly community meals2023
Calvary Moravian ChurchAllentown, PA$3,500Partnership in feeding the hungry with the Lehigh Conference of Churches’ kitchen program2023
Iglesia Esperanza for BethlehemBethlehem, PA$2,000Food/meals for those the ministry serves2023
Friedberg Moravian ChurchWinston-Salem, NC$10,000Weekend meals for food insecure students2023
New Philadelphia Moravian ChurchWinston-Salem, NC$25,000Cancer Benevolence Program: targeting patients experiencing food insecurity2023
Christ Moravian ChurchCalgary, Alberta
$18,000Food pantry inventory2023
Sunnyside MinistryWinston-Salem, NC$10,000Food pantry inventory2023
Moravian Open DoorNew York, NY$25,000Healthy breakfast program for guests of the shelter2023
Little Church on the LaneCharlotte, NC$10,000Refugee community meals2023
Samaritan MinistriesWinston-Salem, NC$25,000Soup kitchen program2023
Olivet Moravian ChurchWinston-Salem, NC$1,500Blessing box inventory2023
East Hills Moravian ChurchBethlehem, PA$25,000Raised garden beds to enhance freezer ministry, freezer/refrigeration units, supplies2023
South Branch Regional Council of ChurchesSouthern Province: Advent, Community Fellowship, Hope, Hopewell, and Konnoak Hills congregations.$6,000Rise Against Hunger meal packing events2023
Fairview Moravian ChurchWinston-Salem, NC$13,500Mobile food and clothing pantry2023
Tricklebee CafeMilwaukee, WI$23,000Hot box, hand mixer, jar lids, year’s supply of food2023
United Moravian ChurchNew York, NY$14,000Food and supplies for community meals2023
You BelongGreen Bay, WI$12,500You Belong Cafe2023
The DwellingWinston-Salem, NC$18,000Feeding ministry2023
Board of World MissionBethlehem, PA$25,000Blessings Flow clean water/filtration initiative in La Mosquita2023
West Salem Moravian ChurchWest Salem, IL$2,800Provide hot meals three days a week to children while school is out for the summer2022
Kernersville Moravian ChurchKernersville, NC$12,000Provide meals and fellowship to individuals from different economic statuses2022
First Moravian ChurchGreensboro, NC$8,000Servants’ Community Garden2022
East Hills Moravian ChurchBethlehem, PA$29,500Replacement equipment for freezer ministry, freezer outposts2022
New Beginnings Moravian ChurchHuntersville, NC$3,000Replace the Little Free Pantry Blessing Box and restock2022
Moravian Open DoorNew York, NY$15,000Continue funding for Healthy Breakfast Program2022
City With DwellingsWinston-Salem, NC$24,800Develop Project CHEFF to promote healthy habits and overcome nutritional challenges inherent in homelessness or recently housed populations2022
Anthony’s PlotWinston-Salem, NCUp to $30,000Remodel and upgrade the community kitchen at Central Terrace United Methodist Church2022
New Herrnhut Moravian ChurchSt. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands$5,000Expand current Sunday morning breakfast program that provides a meal to those who are hungry/less fortunate2022
Greater Things Outreach CenterLexington, NC$15,600Purchase canned food items2022
Samaritan MinistriesWinston-Salem, NC$15,000Support existing Soup Kitchen ministry2022
Friedberg Moravian ChurchWinston-Salem, NC$3,000Stock items in the Blessing Box2022
Bethabara Moravian Church

Board of World Mission

Winston-Salem, NC

Bethlehem, PA



Food pantry for those who are food insecure, stock the pantry

Infant feeding program at Ahaus Clinic, Honduras



John Hus Moravian ChurchNew York, NY$1,000Provide healthy food for community2021
The DwellingWinston-Salem, NC$1,500Community meals after worship2021
Armando Rusindo Mission FoundationWinston-Salem, NC$1,000Build a food-producing greenhouse in Cuba2021
Unity Women’s DeskWinston-Salem, NC$1,500Provide meals to children in Honduras2021
Grace Moravian ChurchNew York, NY$1,000Supply food pantry2021
New Beginnings Moravian ChurchHuntersville, NC$2,000Water meter, tap installed at community garden2021
East Hills Moravian ChurchBethlehem, PA$1,600Replace equipment needed for ministry2021
Grace Moravian ChurchMt. Airy, NC$1,000Feed the hungry and provide fellowship2021

Hunger & Thirst Field of Interest Fund Grants (One-Time Winter Cycle, 2022)


Estamos Unidos Moravian MinistryWinston-Salem, NC$1,000Provide meal to teens who come to monthly program2022
Raleigh Moravian ChurchRaleigh, NC$1,440Monthly breakfast for guests of Oak City Cares2022
First Moravian ChurchGreensboro, NC$19,430Establish community garden: lot prep, garden construction, tools, storage, planting2022
East Hills Moravian ChurchBethlehem, PA$15,00010-burner non-pilot light stove to support Bethlehem Area Moravians’ freezer ministry2022
Bethabara Moravian ChurchWinston-Salem, NC$1,725Upgrade refrigerator/freezer for food pantry2022
You BelongGreen Bay, WI$12,000Establish a community garden program: garden, classes, meals2022
The DwellingWinston-Salem, NC$25,000“Pay-as-you-can” food truck2022
Anthony’s PlotWinston-Salem, NC$29,000Freedom School lunches and cook, neighborhood meals, lending library, cooking items, annual community meal.2022
Moravian Board of World MissionBethlehem, PA$25,000Infant feeding program at Ahaus Clinic, Honduras2022
Home Moravian ChurchWinston-Salem, NC$25,000Food for 45 families in Bathore, Albania2022
Tricklebee CafeMilwaukee, WI$25,000Refrigerator, cookbook publishing, kitchen and garden intern stipends, snack bag supplies, lawn grading and stage construction.2022
Sunnyside MinistryWinston-Salem, NC26,500Food pantry: boxes, cereal, crackers, frozen meat2022
Blue Ridge Women in AgricultureBoone, NC$25,000Double Bucks program: 1:1 match for federal benefits spent at farmer’s markets, personnel, promotion2022
Rio TerraceEdmonton, AB Canada$20,150Establish community kitchen: infrastructure improvements, food, supplies, marketing, outreach/education2022
Moravian Open DoorNew York, NY$50,000Healthy breakfast program: food, personnel, creation of emergency food assistance fund2022
Bethlehem Community CafeBethlehem, PA$50,000Establish a “pay-what-you-can” community cafe in Bethlehem2022
Hope CenterAlbion, IL$10,000Freezer, refrigerator, food for food pantry2022
“I was a stranger and you invited me in.” Matthew 25:35
Moravian Open Door Inc.New York, NY$10,000Improving the damaged MOD transitional housing facilites by increasing security measures and repainting rooms2024
Jan Blahoslav High SchoolHejnice,
Czeck Republic
$4,000New dormitory for school started by Czech Province of the Moravian Church2023
West Side Moravian ChurchGreen Bay, WI$1,000Furniture, toys, supplies for families in transitional housing program2023
Anthony’s PlotWinston-Salem, NC$6,000Land prep for affordable home in Sunnyside neighborhood2023
On Wings Like a DoveWinston-Salem, NC$2,500Medical/dental/vision services for residents in transitional housing program2023
City With DwellingsWinston-Salem, NC$2,500Ecumenical Diversion Fund to help prevent homelessness2023
King Moravian ChurchKing, NC$2,000Purchase lumber to repair/replace unsafe decks, porches and steps and build wheelchair ramps2022
Board of World MissionBethlehem, PA$2,000Provide 10 $200 grants to congregations to help Ukranian refugees2022
Hope Moravian ChurchWinston-Salem, NC$2,000Reduce, reuse, and recycle abandoned mobile homes and use 3D printing to rebuild other structures2022
Moravian Open DoorNew York, NY$2,850Provide transitional housing and support2021
Laurel RidgeLaurel Springs, NC$2,850Lumber to build ramps for people with disabilities2021
“I needed clothes and you clothed me.” Matthew 25:36
Hope Moravian ChurchHope, IN$1,000Clothing closet2023
Mission: Feet FirstWinston-Salem, NC$1,000Shoes for elementary age students in underserved neighborhood2023
The DwellingWinston-Salem, NC$2,000Clothes for those served by shower ministry2023
Roots Moravian ChurchSt. Paul, MN$3,000Laundry love ministry2023
Little Church on the LaneCharlotte, NC$2,000Refugee clothes closet2023
Bethabara Moravian ChurchWinston-Salem, NC$1,500Purchase new racks to put clothing items and shoes on for Bethabara Clothes Closet2022
You BelongGreen Bay, WI$750Clothing to go into family care packages2021
Central Moravian ChurchBethlehem, PA$650Offer personal products to clients of Cynthia’s Boutique2021
Sunnyside MinistryWinston-Salem, NC$800Offer diapers at clothing closet2021
“I was sick and you looked after me.” Matthew 25:36
Chaska Moravian ChurchChaska, MN$4,187.50Increasing accessibility at CMC by replacing front doors with button-operated doors and raising the sidewalk to provide less of an incline for wheelchair users2024
Commission on Congressional DevelopmentMoravian Church, Southern Province$3,000Providing CPR/First-Aid training for provincial staff and ministries2024
Marquardt Foundation, Inc.


Watertown, WI$3,606.50Updating Auburn Home Chaska’s audio-visual system in their chapel2024
Authoring ActionWinston-Salem, NC$5,000Helping to fund Voices from the Dwelling, a program that amplifies the voices of Winston-Salem’s homeless population2024
Board of World MissionMoravian Church, North America$3,000Providing clean water to households in several communities in Honduras through the distribution of household water filtration systems2024
Glenwood Moravian ChurchMadison, WI$2,100Hosting events to help members of local community make connections and improve wellbeing2024
Personal Essentials PantryMadison, WI$2,000Personal and household hygiene pantry inventory2023
Calvary Moravian ChurchWinston-Salem, NC$550Hand sanitizer units and hygiene stations2023
The DwellingWinston-Salem, NC$1,600Three cremation services2023
Lake Mills Moravian ChurchGreen Bay, WI$2,540Kitchenette renovations2023
You BelongGreen Bay, WI$2,600Provide respite care for individuals living with disabilities and support families who need to have quality respite time2022
City With DwellingsWinston-Salem, NC$1,000Partner with Forsyth Futures to evaluate CWD’s work, including collecting data, developing benchmarks and measuring impact2022
Trinity Moravian ChurchWinston-Salem, NC$2,500Undertake campaigns to purchase and forgive crippling medical debt in their community2022
You BelongGreen Bay, WI$1,000Teaching people with disability about mental health2021
John Hus Moravian ChurchNew York, NY$3,100Provide people in our community with health items2021
Board of World MissionBethlehem, PA$2,700Help Ahaus Clinic in Honduras provide treatment2021
Armando Rusindo Mission FoundationWinston-Salem, NC$1,000Send medication to Cuba2021
“I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Matthew 25:36
Changed ChoicesCharlotte, NC$4,200Providing Bible Study books to female clients in state and federal prisons2024
On Wings Like a DoveWinston-Salem, NC$2,200Providing Bibles to inmates who request them2024
Friends of Moravian Prison MinistryWinston-Salem, NC$2,000Distributing Bible comic books, large print Bibles, and Herbert Spaugh’s book of essays for inmates of Forsyth Detention Center2024
West Side Moravian ChurchGreen Bay, WI$2,000Advocating for prison populations through prayer vigils, meeting with elected officials, public forums, etc.2024
Margate Moravian ChurchMiami Gardens, FL$5,980Group and individual spiritual meetings with correctional officers and inmates, training materials2024
On Wings Like a DoveWinston-Salem, NC$2,000Bibles for inmates2023
Friends of Moravian Prison MinistryWinston-Salem, NC$2,000Bible comic books for inmates, drum set for jail chapel2023
On Wings Like a DoveWinston-Salem, NC$2,000Provide Bibles and Bible correspondence studies to prison inmates2022
Friends of Moravian Prison MinistryWinston-Salem, NC$2,000Provide Bible comic books to inmates in the Forsyth County Jail2022
West Side Moravian ChurchGreen Bay, WI$1,500Congregational training2021
Friends of Moravian Prison MinistryWinston-Salem, NC$1,750Christian literature to inmates2021
“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.” Psalm 24:1
Moravian Church of LebanonLebanon, PA$1,347.50Converting incandescent parking lot lights to LED lights2024
Tricklebee CafeMilwaukee, WI$3,000Switching from plastic cutlery and to-go containers to bamboo cutlery, compostable and reusable to-go containers, and eco-friendly cleaning supplies2024
Laurel Ridge Moravian CampLaurel Springs, NC$4,000Hiring an environmental intern for the summer of 20252024
Lake Mills Moravian ChurchLake Mills, WI$6,500Renovating lower level of building by reducing environmental hazards in order to introduce a community childcare ministry2024
New Beginnings Moravian ChurchHuntersville, NC$2,880Transitioning to a solar-powered operation, acquiring rechargeable tools, and improving parking & worship areas with eco-friendly materials.2024
Clemmons Moravian ChurchClemmons, NC$2,324.55Establish native pollinator garden2023
Ephraim Moravian ChurchEphraim, WI$2,000Solar panels2023
Calvary Moravian ChurchWinston-Salem, NC$1,500Establish native pollinator garden2023
SalemtowneWinston-Salem, NC$2,000Solar panels2023
Palmer Moravian ChurchEaston, PA$2,500Replace tiles that contain asbestos in day care center2022
Union Cross Moravian ChurchWinston-Salem, NC$1,000Solar panels to power church and contribute to the grid2021
Macedonia Moravian PreschoolAdvance, NC$1,300Install 350 square foot pollinator teaching garden2021
West Side Moravian ChurchGreen Bay, WI$200Replace plastic utensils with biodegradable bamboo utensils in church ministry2021

Estamos Unidos Moravian MinistryWinston-Salem, NC$10,000Creating a space where people from different cultures can connect as a form of casual diversity training. Providing English and Spanish classes, childcare for patrons, meals, etc.2024
You Belong Together, INCGreen Bay, WI$2,250Translating organization materials into Spanish, providing Spanish classes, and acquiring a translator for programming2024
Moravian Archives-Northern ProvinceMoravian Church, Northern Province$2,094.75Digitizing 2,394 pages of manuscript records of the Moravian Church in the Eastern West Indies and provide public access to said records2024
Pine Chapel MoravianWinston-Salem, NC$5,000Taking Sunnyside Explorers camp students on a field trip to Old Salem2024
Waconia Moravian ChurchWaconia, MN$2,950Community concert and DJ event2023
Linden HallLititz, PA$1,500Racial Justice Work training for faculty members2023
Common GraceMadison, WI$1,500Celebration event for Hispanic Heritage Month2023
Moravian Archives,
Southern Province
Winston-Salem, NC$2,950Processing and digitization of St. Philip’s Moravian Church records and the “slavery collection.”2023
Moravian Team for Racial, Cultural, and Ethnic Reconciliation (MTR)Winston-Salem, NC$1,000Produce videos that create awareness and conversation about racial reconciliation in the Southern Province2022
West Side Moravian ChurchGreen Bay, WI$2,000Expose church youth to the history of racism and its impacts today through a mission trip2022

Generous and passionate Field of Interest Fund donors like you, along with a portion of MMFA’s net income each year, make these grants possible. If God has blessed you, then be a blessing to others.