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Moravian Giving Portal
The Moravian Giving Portal is your one-stop to support your church, MMFA Grant Funds, or any Moravian agency. Secure card processing is provided by Stripe, Inc.
Need help? Contact Valerie Kiger, MMFA Director of Finance, vkiger@mmfa.com or 336-725-2589 to update payment information, amend a gift amount, change or cancel a recurring gift, or general assistance.

GIVE NOW to Your Moravian Worship Community
Use the Moravian Giving Portal to make an online gift to your Moravian worship community. The Moravian Ministries Foundation in America is proud to provide this online giving function for all Moravian congregations, fellowships, and other worship-centered ministries in the United States.
Click on the first letter of the name below to make your gift now.
- Calvary Moravian Church (Winston-Salem, NC)
- Calvary Moravian Church (Allentown, PA)
- Canaan Moravian Church (Davenport, ND)
- Castleton Hill Moravian Church (Staten Island, NY)
- Central Moravian Church (Bethlehem, PA)
- Chaska Moravian Church (Chaska, MN)
- Christ’s Community Moravian Church (Maple Grove, MN)
- Christ Moravian Church (Winston-Salem, NC)
- Christian Faith Moravian Church (DeForest, WI)
- Church of the Redeemer (Dublin, OH)
- Clemmons Moravian Church (Clemmons, NC)
- College Hill Moravian Church (Bethlehem, PA)
- Come and Worship (Winston-Salem, NC)
- Common Grace Emerging Ministry (Madison, WI)
- Community Fellowship (Welcome, NC)
- Covenant Moravian Church (Wilmington, NC)
- Covenant Moravian Church (York, PA)
- Crooked Oak Moravian Church (Cana, VA)
- East Hills Moravian Church (Bethlehem, PA)
- Ebenezer Moravian Church (Watertown, WI)
- Edgeboro Moravian Church (Bethlehem, PA)
- Eek Moravian Church (Alaska)
- Egg Harbor Moravian Church (Egg Harbor City, NJ)
- Emmaus Moravian Church (Emmaus, PA)
- Enterprise Moravian Church (Lexington, NC)
- Ephraim Moravian Church (Ephraim, WI)
- Esperanza for Bethlehem (Bethlehem, PA)
- Fairview Moravian Church (Winston-Salem, NC)
- Faith Moravian Church (Washington, DC)
- Fellowship Moravian Church (Brooklyn, NY)
- First Moravian Church of Anchorage (Anchorage, AK)
- First Moravian Church (Dover, OH)
- First Moravian Church (Easton, PA)
- First Moravian Church (Stone Mountain, GA)
- First Moravian Church (Greensboro, NC)
- First Moravian Church (Riverside, NJ)
- First Moravian Church (New York, NY)
- First Moravian Church (Uhrichsville, OH)
- First Moravian Church (York, PA)
- Freedom Moravian Church (Appleton, WI)
- Friedberg Moravian Church (Winston-Salem, NC)
- Friedland Moravian Church (Winston-Salem, NC)
- Fries Moravian Church (Winston-Salem, NC)
- Fry’s Valley Moravian Church (New Philadelphia, OH)
- Fulp Moravian Church (Walnut Cove, NC)
- Glenwood Moravian Church (Madison, WI)
- Gnadenhutten Moravian Church (Gnadenhutten, OH)
- Goodnews Bay Moravian Church (Alaska)
- Goshen Moravian Church (Durbin, ND)
- Grace Moravian Church (Mount Airy, NC)
- Grace Moravian Church (Queens, NY)
- Graceham Moravian Church (Thurmont, MD)
- Great Kills Moravian Church (Staten Island, NY)
- Kasigluk Moravian Church (Alaska)
- Kernersville Moravian Church (Kernersville, NC)
- King Moravian Church (King, NC)
- King of Kings Moravian Church (Miami, FL)
- Kipnuk Moravian Church (Alaska)
- Kongiganak Moravian Church (Alaska)
- Konnoak Hills Moravian Church (Winston-Salem, NC)
- Kwethluk Moravian Church (Alaska)
- Kwigillingok Moravian Church (Alaska)
- Lake Mills Moravian Church (Lake Mills, WI)
- Lakeview Moravian Church (Madison, WI)
- Lancaster Moravian Church (Lancaster, PA)
- Leaksville Moravian Church (Eden, NC)
- Moravian Church of Lebanon (Lebanon, PA)
- Lititz Moravian Church (Lititz, PA)
- Little Church on the Lane (Charlotte, NC)
- London Moravian Church (Cambridge, WI)
- Macedonia Moravian Church (Advance, NC)
- Main Street Moravian Church (Northfield, MN)
- Mamre Fellowship (Watertown, WI)
- Manokotak Moravian Church
- Margate Moravian Church (North Lauderdale, FL)
- Marshall Fellowship (Alaska)
- Mayodan Moravian Church (Mayodan, NC)
- Messiah Moravian Church (Winston-Salem, NC)
- Mizpah Moravian Church (Rural Hall, NC)
- Moravia Moravian Church (Oak Ridge, NC)
- Moravian Church of Lake Auburn (Victoria, MN)
- Moravian Church of Lebanon (Lebanon, PA)
- Moravian Hall Square (Nazareth, PA)
- MorningStar Moravian Church (Coopersburg, PA)
- Morongo Moravian Church (Banning, CA)
- Mountain Laurel Fellowship (Laurel Springs, NC)
- Mountainview Moravian Church (Hellertown, PA)
- Mt. Bethel Moravian Church (Cana, VA)
- Napakiak Moravian Church (Alaska)
- Napaskiak Fellowship (Alaska)
- Nazareth Moravian Church (Nazareth, PA)
- New Beginnings Moravian Church (Huntersville, NC)
- New Covenant Fellowship (Palm Beach, FL)
- New Dorp Moravian Church (Staten Island, NY)
- Newfoundland Moravian Church (Newfoundland, PA)
- New Hope Moravian Church (Miami, FL)
- New Hope Moravian Church (Newton, NC)
- New Philadelphia Moravian Church (Winston-Salem, NC)
- Northfield Moravian Church (Northfield, MN)
- Northwest Fellowship (Des Moines, WA)
- Nueva Esperanza Fellowship (Miami, FL)
- Nunapitchuk Fellowship (Alaska)
- Palm Beach Moravian Church (West Palm Beach, FL)
- Palmer Moravian Church (Easton, PA)
- Palmetto Fellowship (Spartanburg, SC)
- Palmyra Moravian Church (Cinnaminson, NJ)
- Peace Moravian Church (Charlotte, NC)
- Pine Chapel Moravian Church (Winston-Salem, NC)
- Platinum Fellowship (Alaska)
- Prince of Peace Moravian Church (Miami, FL)
- Savannah Moravian Fellowship (Savannah, GA)
- Schoenbrunn Community Moravian Church (New Philadelphia, OH)
- Schoeneck Moravian Church (Nazareth, PA)
- Sharon Moravian Church (Tusacarawas, OH)
- Shepherd of the Prairie Moravian Church (Fargo, ND)
- Sister Bay Moravian Church (Sister Bay, WI)
- St. Paul’s Moravian Church (Upper Marlboro, MD)
- St. Philips Moravian Church (Winston-Salem, NC)
- Sturgeon Bay Moravian Church (Sturgeon Bay, WI)
- Suriname Moravian Fellowship (Miami, FL)
- The Table Emerging Ministry (Apex, NC)
- Tampa Fellowship (Tampa, FL)
- Togiak Moravian Church (Alaska)
- Tremont Terrace Moravian Church (Bronx, NY)
- Trinity Moravian Church (Winston-Salem, NC)
- Trinity Moravian Church (New Carrollton, MD)
- Tuluksak Moravian Church (Alaska)
- Tuntutuliak Moravian Church (Alaska)
- Twin Hills Moravian Church (Alaska)
- Waconia Moravian Church (Waconia, MN)
- Water of Life Lutheran Church (Wilmington, NC)
- Watertown Moravian Church (Watertown, WI)
- West Salem Moravian Church (West Salem, IL)
- West Side Moravian Church (Bethlehem, PA)
- West Side Moravian Church (Green Bay, WI)
- Willow Hill Moravian Church (Ararat, VA)
- Wisconsin Rapids Moravian Church (Wisconsin Rapids, WI)
GIVE NOW to Help Fund all of Our Grants
The Moravian Ministries Foundation Designated Funds allow you to align your gifts to the causes you care about most. Here’s how it works:
- Various institutions, including Moravian churches and agencies, detail their plans and success measures in the form of grant requests.
- Grants request are reviewed by a Grant Advisory Committee.
- Applicants who have the strongest plans best aligned with the purpose of the fund are given grants.
We maintain due diligence to assure the funds are used according to plan, consistent with mission of the Designated Fund, and that goal achievement is documented. See below for more on each available fund.
NOTE: Churches and Agencies may apply for grants from these programs. To begin the application process, contact Laura Watson at lwatson@mmfa.com to schedule a discussion.
Grant Fund Options
Hunger & Thirst — Matthew 25:35
In Matthew 25:35, Jesus says, “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.” Existing and new institutions in our communities apply for grants for this money. A board, made up of active Moravians, decides how the funds are granted. The Moravian Ministries Foundation in America acknowledges your gift, manages the funds, receives the grant applications, and maintains due diligence to assure: 1) the funds are used for the purpose specified by the grant, 2) the funds are used efficiently in a manner consistent with the mission of this fund, and 3) the results of the grant are documented and assessed. Agencies of the Moravian Church in America, affiliated congregations, and ministries are the preferred recipients of your gifts to this fund.
Click Here To See Recipients
Housing & Shelter — Matthew 25:35
In Matthew 25:35, Jesus says, “I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Existing and new institutions in our communities apply for grants for this money. A Grant Advisory Committee reviews the applications and makes recommendations for grant awards to the MMFA Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees makes the final determination on grant recipients. MMFA awards the grants and provides oversight.
Click Here To See Recipients
Healing & Health — Matthew 25:36
In Matthew 25:36, Jesus says, “I was sick and you looked after me.” Existing and new institutions in our communities apply for grants for this money. A Grant Advisory Committee reviews the applications and makes recommendations for grant awards to the MMFA Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees makes the final determination on grant recipients. MMFA awards the grants and provides oversight.
Click Here To See Recipients
Clothing — Matthew 25:36
In Matthew 25:36, Jesus says, “I needed clothes and you clothed me.” Existing and new institutions in our communities apply for grants for this money. A Grant Advisory Committee reviews the applications and makes recommendations for grant awards to the MMFA Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees makes the final determination on grant recipients. MMFA awards the grants and provides oversight.
Click Here To See Recipients
Prison Ministry — Matthew 25:36
In Matthew 25:36, Jesus says, “I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Existing and new institutions in our communities apply for grants for this money. A Grant Advisory Committee reviews the applications and makes recommendations for grant awards to the MMFA Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees makes the final determination on grant recipients. MMFA awards the grants and provides oversight.
Click Here To See Recipients
Environmental Stewardship — Psalm 24:1
Your contributions to this fund help qualifying applicants restore and protect God’s creation. Existing and new institutions in our communities apply for grants for this money. A Grant Advisory Committee reviews the applications and makes recommendations for grant awards to the MMFA Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees makes the final determination on grant recipients. MMFA awards the grants and provides oversight.
Click Here To See Recipients
Prevention of Violence Against Women
Your contributions to this Field of Interest Fund help qualifying applicants prevent violence against women. Existing and new institutions in our communities apply for grants for this money. The Unity Women’s Desk awards grants and provides oversight.
Racial Awareness, Equity, & Repair
Your contributions to this Field of Interest Fund help qualifying applicants promote racial awareness, racial equity, and racial repair through advocacy, training, and ministry. Existing and new institutions in our communities apply for grants for this money. A Grant Advisory Committee reviews the applications and makes recommendations for grant awards to the MMFA Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees makes the final determination on grant recipients. MMFA awards the grants and provides oversight.
Click Here To See Recipients
Designated Fund Options
Salemtowne Designated Fund for Ministers, Missionaries & Leaders
Salemtowne Fund for Ministers, Missionaries & Leaders
Your contributions to this Designated Fund help qualifying Moravian clergy, missionaries, and other church leaders with initial expenses to enter Salemtowne as a resident.
Moravian Ministers' Emergency Designated Fund
Moravian Ministers’ Emergency Designated Fund
Your contributions to this Designated Fund help qualifying Moravian clergy deal with unexpected financial emergencies.
Moravian Ministers' Mission Designated Fund
Moravian Ministers’ Mission Designated Fund
Your contributions to this Designated Fund help qualifying Moravian clergy with travel expenses associated with mission trips.

GIVE NOW to a Specific Organization or Ministry
We’ve made it easy for you to support your church and favorite Moravian ministries. Give now online as the Spirit moves you.
For more information, please reach out.
Anthony's Plot
Anthony’s Plot is a growing network of people striving to reflect our love for Jesus as we share our lives and use our collective gifts to strengthen and support those who face sudden or systemic disenfranchisement, to invite and encourage those who seek spiritually and to challenge and enable one another to become more like the individuals and the interdependent community Jesus has taught us to be.
Our community is made up of long-term residents, short-term residents (learners, workers, guests, and visitors), very active participants, and many supporters (some who are local individuals and groups, and some who help sustain us through their involvement from afar).
Archives, Southern Province
The Moravian Archives is the official repository for records of the Moravian Church in America, Southern Province. The Province includes Moravian churches and fellowships in North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and Virginia. Our records begin with the establishment of the first southern Moravian settlement in 1753 at Bethabara, NC (now part of Winston-Salem), and continue until the present day. While our main function is to serve the Church in the collecting, cataloging, and safekeeping of those materials, we also make many of our holdings available for research by genealogists, academics, cultural institutions, and the general public.
Archives, Northern Province
The Moravian Archives is the official repository for the records of the Moravian Church in America – Northern Province. The Northern Province covers the Moravian churches in the United States (except for North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, and Virginia) and Canada.
The Bethlehem Moravian Archives also holds records from the Moravian Church in Alaska, Labrador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Eastern West-Indies. For records from the Moravian Church in the Southern Province (North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Virginia) contact the Moravian Archives in Winston-Salem, NC, www.moravianarchives.org. Information on other Moravian collections can be found on the Moravian archives portal.
Armando Rusindo Mission Foundation (ARMF)
Auburn Homes
Commission on Congregational Development (formerly Board of Cooperative Ministries)
Board of World Mission (BWM)
The BWM is about the work of God in the world through serving and sending God’s people to bring others to know and follow Christ. As the mission arm of the North American Moravian Church, the BWM represents the Northern, Southern, and Alaska Provinces. We are dedicated to bringing people to our Lord and to sharing Christ’s love and Word throughout the world.
We do this in a variety of ways:
- We send people in mission through Antioch, which provides opportunities for North Americans to share their gifts in service as they broaden their own understanding of the issues that face our brothers and sisters throughout the world.
- We serve people through our Moravian Volunteer Response—providing disaster relief, as well as work crews for specific projects.
- We work with our Partner Provinces to promote leadership development and sustainable churches that continue to share the gospel to the unreached.
- We collaborate in Mission Partnerships with cross-cultural servants, with our ecumenical colleagues, and with our constituent congregations and members in order to reach out in mission.
- We build capacity through our Likewise Ministry, strengthening communities to better provide for the needs of families and children, especially those impacted by HIV and AIDS.
- We explore New Work within the worldwide Moravian Unity, with a focus on outreach in Sierra Leone, Cuba, and Peru.
Camp Hope
Come and Worship
Come and Worship is a new model of Moravian worship, ministry, and community.
Our Mission Statement is: “Gathering in Christ, growing faith and fellowship with all; going out to serve.”
We offer a safe, inviting, relaxed and open atmosphere for worship and fellowship. Here, you will find Christian worship opportunities that combine traditional and new forms of worship in both informal and interactive ways. We focus on historical Moravian principles of simplicity, devotion to Christ, fellowship, and music.
Our ministry offers interesting, relevant worship themes that follow the church year. We pay attention to personal and communal needs, and we believe in fostering a caring community. It is our goal to promote mission activity while exploring both faith and community.
Common Grace (Emerging Ministry)
The Dwelling (Emerging Ministry)
Esperanza for Bethlehem (Emerging Ministry)
Essentials Cafe (Emerging Ministry)
Estamos Unidos Ministry (Emerging Ministry)
We are called to serve the Hispanic immigrant community through living testimony of our Christian faith by providing education to first-generation Hispanics and their descendants. This ministry started with a vision to reach out to the Hispanic community in Forsyth County area by the Moravian Church Southern Province in 2017 after a thoughtful and prayerful process
By collaborating with other local organizations that share our focus on the Hispanic community, we provide a wide variety of educational opportunities in English and Spanish. In all things, we strive to present God’s love to our neighbors by living our Moravian essentials of Faith, Love, and Hope.
En el 2017, la Iglesia Cristiana Morava después de un proceso reflexivo y lleno de oración decidió empezar un ministerio hispano. Nuestro llamado es servir a la comunidad Hispana de inmigrantes a través del testimonio vivo de nuestra fe cristiana brindándoles educación, a ellos como primera generación y a sus familias.
En la búsqueda de proporcionar una amplia variedad de oportunidades educativas colaboramos con otras organizaciones locales que comparten nuestro enfoque educativo.
En todo lo que hacemos siempre buscamos reflejar el amor de Dios a nuestro prójimo, viviendo nuestros principios esenciales Moravos, que son la Fe, el Amor y la Esperanza.
Florida-Georgia District Harvest
Friends of Moravian Prison Ministry
The Friends of Moravian Prison Ministry is an independent ministry support group within the Moravian Church Southern Province that seeks to:
- secure ongoing financial support for this important ministry;
- raise awareness of the amazing “boots-on-the-ground” work happening in the Forsyth jail and prison through the Moravian chaplaincy; and
- share opportunities for people to support this chaplaincy with their time, talent, and prayers.
By becoming a Friend of the Moravian Prison Ministry, you will be answering God’s call to minister to “the least of these.” We urge you to open your hearts and minds to this ministry that is truly life-changing.
Interprovincial Board of Communication (IBOC)
- The Moravian Magazine, the official journal of the Moravian Church in North America.
- The North American editions of the Moravian Daily Texts, one of the oldest continuously published daily devotionals in the world.
- Moravian.org, the Moravian Church in America’s main web presence. In addition, we manage Facebook pages for the Moravian Daily Texts and The Moravian Magazine.
- Publications of the Moravian Church in America. The IBOC offers more than 40 titles, along with worship and congregational resources, sacramental certificates, Moravian gift items, and the Sunday bulletin service.
- Communication resources for the Church. We provide communication counsel and expertise, design options, workshops, and other resources to congregations and church agencies.
- Church member database/official Directory & Statistics maintenance. In partnership with the Moravian Ministries Foundation in America, the IBOC maintains the church member database.
Larger Life Foundation
Our purpose is to serve others and the Lord by providing financial assistance to ministries of the Moravian Church, Northern Province (MCNP).
- Camping programs that serve thousands of children and their families through recreational programs, spiritual retreats, and fellowship
- Ministerial training and academic programs at Moravian Theological Seminary
- Transitional housing for homeless older adults in New York City at Moravian Open Door
- Supporting residents of our Moravian retirement communities
- Funding educational programs at Moravian College, Moravian Academy, and Linden Hall
- Supporting the world missions of the Moravian Church
- Supplementing the Province’s health and pension funds for pastors and their spouses
- Helping churches meet critical needs, expenses, and capital project goals
We provide financial assistance in the form of:
- Funds distributed to identified core ministries
- Discretionary grants
- Loans to churches
Laurel Ridge
Laurel Ridge is a mountain place set apart for forming disciples of Jesus Christ who live and learn in the community to serve the world. Located in the mountains of North Carolina, it’s a summer camp for children of all ages, a congregational retreat destination, and a conference center.
Mission Society of the Moravian Church (Southern Province)
Your contributions to the Mission Society of the Moravian Church help us realize our calling to share the good news of Jesus Christ with the world through our missionaries and partners.
Moravian Center Adult Day
Moravian Center Adult Day provides a safe, warm, and welcoming setting for your Mom, Dad, or other loved ones to spend their day. They will be welcomed by friends and caring staff and treated like members of our own family. Our goal is to provide rewarding interactions with other seniors, and activities that promote overall well-being physically, cognitively, and spiritually.
We want to help your loved one make the best of the skills he or she has, maximizing independence, and offer respite to those caregivers also in need. By caring for your loved one, we are caring for you too. Hugs, laughter, fun, singing, devotions, movies, love, exercise, art, music, meals, and compassion are the order of the day.
The Lancaster Moravian Church has embraced service to seniors as their mission, which is reflected in the creation of the Adult Day program. Faith, friendship, and dedication to the honor and service to the elderly is our guide. Enhancing the quality of life for seniors of Lancaster County, and supporting their desire to remain at home for as long as possible is our goal.
Moravian Open Door
Moravian Open Door is a not-for-profit (501c-3) organization committed to providing transitional housing and supportive services to the homeless, distressed, and underserved population of New York City. Our ministry serves those individuals who are fifty and older with the goal of helping them regain their independence and security and assisting them in moving to appropriate permanent facilities.
Established in 1987 by the Eastern District of the Moravian Church in North America, MOD is funded solely by church and private donations and a nominal monthly program fee. MOD does not receive any city, state, or federal funding.
MOD is not a drop-in shelter or a nursing facility but is a safe, clean, drug and alcohol-free transitional home (called Moravian House) that provides private and semi-private rooms for up to 41 homeless adults who are just “one step away” from independence. Individuals come to MOD recommended by a shelter or agency in New York. Upon admission, each new resident receives a personal service plan to address the causes of homelessness and to build greater self-reliance. Residents have their own mailboxes and also email addresses; they also have the use of the kitchen and the Common Room.
Moravian Manor Communities
Dating back to the 1950s, the Moravian Church in Pennsylvania started providing organized care for its aging members. After some years of running two separate homes in York and Easton, PA, the Lititz Moravian Church donated 22 acres in town to the founders of Moravian Manor Communities for the explicit purpose of constructing a retirement community. The first residents moved into the Moravian Avenue Cottages in late 1974, and into Manor West (today known as the Baer Center for Assisted Living) in January 1975.
Throughout the years, Moravian Manor Communities has expanded its offerings, building new neighborhoods within the original campus, now named the Founders Campus, and the addition of a second campus, Warwick Woodlands, both located within walking distance of downtown Lititz.
Today, Lititz is recognized as a Distinctive Destination by the National Trust of Historic Preservation and one of America’s Coolest Small Towns, as voted by Budget Travel. Moravian Manor Communities reveres its heritage and place in this historic town, which maintains a perfect blend of the old and the new making it an idyllic place to lead an active retirement lifestyle.
Moravian Music Foundation
We were founded in 1956, to preserve, study, edit and publish the music retained in the Archives of the Moravian Church in America, Northern and Southern Provinces.
The Moravian Music Foundation preserves, shares, and celebrates Moravian musical culture.
Since our establishment, we have acquired many additional items, including the Irving Lowens Collection of early American tunebooks; the band books of the 26th North Carolina Regimental Band (from the Civil War); and a reference library of over 6,000 volumes, specializing in Protestant church music and American music history.
We are responsible for many first modern-day performances of music from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This organization is an important resource for scholars, performers, church musicians, and students worldwide. Over 40 orchestral works from our holdings have been edited and placed in the Fleisher Collection of the Philadelphia (PA) Free Library.
The collections of the Moravian Music Foundation contain some 10,000 manuscripts and early imprints of vocal and instrumental music, sacred and secular, from the sixteenth through twentieth centuries. Not all of this was written by Moravian composers, but it is all music that the Moravians used and enjoyed. Included in the collections of the Moravian Music Foundation are works by Haydn and Mozart, J. C. Bach, Abel, Johann Stamitz, and a host of lesser-known composers. A number of these are the only known copies in the world.
The Moravian collections, then, provide a cross-section of classical musical culture, placing the masters in their proper historical perspective.
Mt. Morris Camp and Retreat Center
Established in 1964, Mt. Morris Camp & Retreat Center is a year-round premier camp, retreat, and conference center that serves hundreds of groups each year. Schools, businesses, churches, and families select Mt. Morris Camp & Retreat Center as their location because our facilities are well adapted for a variety of uses and programs. Mt. Morris Camp and Retreat Center, located in Wautoma, WI, hosts summer camps, church groups, retreats, meetings, conferences, and weddings.
Provincial Women's Board, Southern Province
The Provincial Women’s Board provides opportunities for modern Moravian women to discover the true Moravian tradition of “living in community” by offering events to participate together in the work of the Southern Province, fellowship, and worship opportunities.
If you would like to support this ministry, click the link below:
Rajpur Institute
This project supports children who are deprived of care and educational opportunity due to caste, ethnicity or remote geography, in northern India at the Moravian Institute. The main campus of Moravian Institute is located in Rajpur and delivers K-12 education in English in a loving and supportive Christian environment. There are 280 students studying in Rajpur, approximately 90 of whom live on campus in dormitories that have been built using funds donated by Moravians. There are two satellite Moravian Institute campuses: one in Chiktan and one in Binnakandi, where K-8 education is delivered in a similar manner.
The Moravian Institute is rooted in the Moravian tradition and children are exposed to optional Christian worship on campus, although religion is not considered when granting admission. The vast majority of students at the Moravian Institute are from non-Christian families: Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Sikh & Indigenous. When making admissions decisions, preference is given to children without parents and to girls, who without support are often forced into difficult circumstances. The children who graduate from Moravian Institute go on to University, get jobs, and support their families and the communities from which they came. A child who receives support at Moravian Institute often helps pull many individuals up and out of poverty.
Donations go directly to help pay for a child’s tuition, room, and board at the Moravian Institute.
Salem Congregation
Salem Congregation is a church agency affiliated with the Moravian Church in America, Southern Province. It is a non-profit religious and charitable, incorporated, organization representing twelve Moravian churches in the City of Winston-Salem, NC. Salem Congregation serves its church members, the communities where the churches are located, and the larger purposes of all Moravian churches.
The group conducts worship services on special days; sponsors a Moravian band for church and community events; operates and maintains a central, historic graveyard for burial of church members; receives gifts and bequests of all types, and uses these resources to support church programs. The Congregation is governed by Boards elected by the member churches.
The present-day Salem Congregation organization has evolved over many years. It was first created to manage the settlement and life of the town of Salem in the colonial period of the United States. Established in April 1772 under the name Congregation Council, it has operated continuously since.
Society for Promoting The Gospel (SPG)
The mission of SPG is to support the work of the Board of World Missions and offer mission grants to Moravian congregations and agencies of the Northern Province. Grants are made annually and the deadline for applications is April 15.
Sunnyside Ministry
Sunnyside Ministry, located in Winston-Salem, NC, provides food, clothing, and financial education to residents of portions of Forsyth and Davidson Counties.
Tricklebee Cafe (Emerging Ministry)
We are a pay-what-you-can community café that offers healthy meals, food-service training, and spiritual nourishment. We are a ministry of the Moravian Church in America.
We offer a space to foster community, connections, goodwill, and a love for real food with simple ingredients. By offering an inclusive and welcoming space, we hope to bring health, positivity, and peace to our neighborhood.
By providing fresh, healthy, locally-grown food to anyone regardless of ability to pay, we address food insecurity by feeding the immediate need of hunger, while providing resources to educate and inspire people to make a habit of healthy eating. Access to healthy food helps people to better care for themselves and their neighbors, which heals and strengthens the community.
The Table (Emerging Ministry)
You always have a place at The Table — an intimate gathering in Apex, NC. Prayer, worship, fellowship, communion.
Unity Women's Desk
The Unity Women’s Desk is an undertaking of the worldwide Moravian Church. Its purpose is to positively impact the lives of women and girls by coordinating the spiritual, financial, educational, and material resources that exist throughout the Moravian Unity.
You Belong Faith Community
The You Belong Faith Community is an emerging ministry of the Moravian Church, Northern Province. It engages in spiritual development and the practice of Christian faith.
GIVE NOW to a Specific Organization or Ministry
Donor Advised Funds (DAFs)
When you use the Moravian Giving Portal to contribute to an established DAF, you follow scriptural instructions to be like-minded, to support one another, and to work together in unity. Each DAF was established by a brother or sister in Christ (or a group of them) in response to their call for a specific purpose. Each DAF has its own advisor(s) to recommend charitable distributions. Your Moravian Ministries Foundation monitors grant recipients to make sure funds are used according to their intended purpose. Thank you for supporting the vision and purpose of another.
Donate to Greenfield Ministry Fund
Donate to Gene and Lenore Handwerk Family Fund
Donate to Nancy C. Harney Memorial Fund
Designated Funds
When you contribute to an established Designated Fund, you follow scriptural instructions to be like-minded, to support one another, and to work together in unity. Each Designated Fund was established by a brother or sister in Christ in response to his or her call for a specific purpose. Each Designated Fund has its own grant advisor(s) to recommend charitable distributions. Your Moravian Ministries Foundation monitors grant recipients to make sure funds are used according to their intended purpose. Thank you for supporting the vision and purpose of another.
Donate to Minister’s Mission Fund
Donate to Minister’s Emergency Fund
Mission & Ministry Fund, SP
The 2019 Synod of the Moravian Church in America, Southern Province authorized the establishment of this Mission & Ministry Fund through the Moravian Ministries Foundation in America. The stated purpose is ” . . .” Charitable distributions are decided at the discretion of the Provincial Elders’ Conference of the Southern Province. Thank you for your generous contribution!

GIVE NOW to Your Province or District
Alaska Province
Northern Province
Eastern District
Western District
Southern Province
GIVE NOW to the Unity Prayer Day Offering
The 2024 Unity Offering has been designated for the Moravian Church in North America to support Ukrainian Refugees in Germany and the Czech Republic.

Frequently Asked Questions: Moravian Giving Portal
How much does it cost?
How soon will my church/agency receive my gift?
Can our donations be deposited into the church/agency bank account electronically or must we receive a check?
Will my bookkeeper always know who made the gifts?
Yes – church bookkeepers or other authorized parties can access an online portal to see transaction details for the applicable church or agency. The Moravian Giving Portal does allow donors to give anonymously; unless a donor checks the box to mark the gift as anonymous, he or she will be identified with the amount and further details of the gift. For portal access or questions, please email Libby Davis (ldavis@mmfa.com) or call our office at (336) 725-2589.
How do I make changes to my recurring gift?
When donors create a recurring gift, the first donation happens immediately on the day the gift is entered. The donation will automatically be repeated next month (or year) on the same day. Email Valerie Kiger (vkiger@mmfa.com) with any changes you would like made to your existing recurring gift. We can easily adjust the amount, recurring gift date, etc.
Will the Giving Portal replace all other giving methods?
Should I use my credit card or a direct debit from my bank account for my donation on the portal?
What happens to my information when I make a gift through the Giving Portal?
Will MMFA send tax receipts and/or acknowledge the gifts?
Donors receive an emailed receipt when the gift is made (generic email from Stripe) and a personalized, detailed email from MMFA when the gift is accepted and processed. Keep in mind these emails may be days apart depending on processing delays with direct debits and bank draft transactions involving enhanced verification on the part of our donors.
MMFA will also send an annual statement to donors who give more than $250 through the Giving Portal over the course of a calendar year. Those statements will be mailed before January 31 of the following year.