Vince Holbrook began as Director of Communication and Marketing in November 2017. He's a career communications professional and teacher. He spent significant time with Forsyth Technical Community College, Gilbarco Veeder-Root, Texas Instruments, and American Tire Distributors. A graduate of Morehead State University in Morehead, KY, Vince holds a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism as well as a Master’s degree in Applied Communication from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He is a member of First Moravian Church in Greensboro, NC.

What’s cooking at Essentials Café?

Moravians are cooking up something good at Essentials Café. And there are never too many cooks in the kitchen. In fact, a number of local congregations and organizations are supporting this new “pay-what-you-can” food ministry. It’s an Emerging Ministry of the Moravian Church in America, Northern Province. If you’ve made a gift to the Hunger…

Canceled debt

Debt forgiveness is one of the oldest requirements of God’s people (see Deuteronomy 15:1-2). And if you have contributed to the Moravian Healing & Health Field of Interest Fund, you have honored and participated in this act of mercy. In 2022 Trinity Moravian Church in Winston-Salem, NC received a grant for $2,500 from this Healing…

Tools for Trustees

If you’re serving on the Joint Board of a Moravian congregation, or are a past, present, or future Trustee, Tools for Trustees is for you! This one-hour online class is an introduction to the resources available to congregations through the Moravian Ministries Foundation in America. You’ll learn how our tools can: Develop and support stewardship…

Growing community

Growing community isn’t about size. First Moravian Church in Greensboro, NC isn’t the biggest church in town. But thanks to a grant through the Moravian Ministries Foundation in America (MMFA), it just might be growing community that’s second to none — and producing a bountiful harvest. A new Servants’ Garden, with more than 30 raised…

Why invest in the Common Fund?

Smart investors know earning money in the market is a long-term proposition. We make the best decisions we can for the long term and try not to overreact to the daily ups and downs. We don’t usually move our money unless there’s a good reason. So, what are the really good reasons our investments as…

Array of sunshine at Union Cross

The future’s so bright, they’ve gotta wear shades! Imagine being able to supply all the power your three-building church campus needs plus more AND leading the way in environmental stewardship at the same time! That’s exactly what Union Cross Moravian Church has been able to do with their solar array. Financial stewardship The return on…

Your gifts raise the bar on prison ministry

“Community-funded ministry has more freedom to be creative and can do more of what’s necessary than the state can provide,” said The Rev. Jeff Carter, chaplain under call by the Moravian Church in America, Southern Province working for the Forsyth Jail and Prison Ministry. Your gifts make it possible Your gifts to the Moravian Ministries…

Steve Ganss: Extraordinary Bond

By Lydian Bernhardt Extraordinary bond As a child, Steve Ganss spent many happy hours with his father, Ed, at their church, New Dorp Moravian Church in Staten Island, N.Y. Ed Ganss was, in turn, a member of that church’s boards of elders and trustees, and keeping a close watch on the church’s buildings and grounds…